Soft Tissue Masses

What are Soft Tissue Masses?

Soft tissue masses refer to growths or lumps that occur in the tissues of the foot, excluding bones. These masses can arise from muscles, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels, or fatty tissues. While many soft tissue masses are benign (non-cancerous) and may not cause any symptoms, some can be painful or uncomfortable, especially when they press against nearby nerves or structures. Common examples include ganglion cysts, lipomas (fatty tumors), fibromas, and plantar fibromatosis. It’s essential to recognize that the occurrence of a mass does not automatically indicate a severe condition like cancer. However, any new or growing mass should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. A podiatrist can offer guidance on diagnosis and management, often recommending imaging tests, such as ultrasound or MRI, and sometimes a biopsy, to determine the nature of the mass. Treatment options vary depending on the type and location of the mass, its growth rate, and whether it causes pain or other symptoms. They can range from observation and monitoring to surgical removal or other therapeutic interventions.

Types of Soft Tissue Masses

Ganglion Cyst:

Description: A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled bump that often forms near a joint or tendon sheath, frequently observed on the wrist, ankle, or foot. The fluid inside resembles the synovial fluid found in joints.

Symptoms: While they’re generally painless, they can cause discomfort if they press against a nerve or limit joint mobility.

Cause: The exact cause is unknown, but they may arise from trauma, overuse, or flaws in the joint capsule or tendon sheath that allows the joint tissue to bulge out.


Description: A lipoma is a benign tumor made up of fatty tissue. They are soft to the touch, generally movable, and usually painless.

Symptoms: Lipomas typically don’t cause discomfort unless they grow large and press against neighboring structures or nerves.

Cause: While the precise cause is uncertain, genetic factors and minor injuries might play a role.

Plantar Fibroma:

Description: A plantar fibroma is a benign nodule that forms in the arch of the foot’s plantar fascia. It’s made up of fibrous tissue.

Symptoms: The nodules themselves might not cause pain, but as they grow, they can cause discomfort when walking or standing, especially if they press against footwear.

Cause: The exact cause remains unidentified, but trauma, genetics, and certain systemic diseases may contribute.

Soft Tissue Sarcoma:

Description: Soft tissue sarcomas are a group of malignant tumors originating from the soft tissues, like muscle, fat, nerves, tendons, or blood vessels. They can occur anywhere in the body but are relatively rare in the foot.

Symptoms: Initially, sarcomas might be painless, presenting as a lump. As they grow, they can cause pain, inflammation, and restrict movement or function.

Cause: While many soft tissue sarcomas have no known cause, some are linked to inherited mutations, exposure to certain chemicals, or previous radiation therapy.


Description: A hemangioma is a benign tumor consisting of an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. They can be present at birth or develop shortly after and may occur anywhere on the body, including the foot.

Symptoms: Hemangiomas are usually painless, red to purplish skin lesions that can grow rapidly before plateauing. While most are harmless, they can cause issues if they interfere with vision, breathing, hearing, or eating.

Cause: The exact cause is unknown, but they are not inherited.


Description: A neuroma, specifically Morton’s neuroma, is a painful condition involving a nerve in the foot, typically between the third and fourth toes. It’s essentially a thickening of the nerve tissue due to irritation or compression.

Symptoms: It may feel like you’re standing on a pebble in your shoe or have a fold in your sock. Patients often complain of a sharp, burning pain in the ball of their foot that can radiate to the toes. Numbness or tingling can also be present.

Cause: The exact cause of Morton’s neuroma is still debated. However, wearing tight shoes, high heels, or engaging in activities that cause repetitive irritation to the ball of the foot can be contributing factors.

Treatment for Soft Tissue Masses

The approach to treating soft tissue masses in the foot depends on the type, size, location, and cause of the mass, as well as the associated symptoms:

  • Observation and Monitoring: Some benign masses, especially if they are not causing any symptoms, can be observed over time without immediate intervention.
  • Medications:
    • Anti-inflammatories: Over-the-counter or prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce pain and inflammation in certain masses, such as those associated with gout or rheumatoid arthritis.
    • Antibiotics or Antifungals: Infections causing abscesses or granulomas might require a course of antibiotics or antifungal medications.
    • Corticosteroid Injections: These can help reduce inflammation and pain, especially for conditions like bursitis or certain types of cysts.
  • Aspiration: Fluid-filled cysts, like ganglion cysts, might be treated by aspirating (drawing out) the fluid with a needle.
  • Physical Therapy: For some conditions, physical therapy can help improve range of motion, reduce pain, and strengthen the surrounding tissues.
  • Custom Orthotics: If a soft tissue mass is causing a biomechanical imbalance in the foot or placing pressure on certain areas, custom orthotics might be recommended to redistribute forces and provide cushioning.
  • Surgical Removal:
    • Excision: Benign or malignant tumors, cysts that frequently recur, or masses causing significant pain or functional impairment might need surgical excision.
    • Biopsy: If there’s a suspicion of malignancy or if the nature of the mass is uncertain, a biopsy might be taken during surgery for diagnostic purposes.
  • Radiation or Chemotherapy: For malignant soft tissue tumors, adjunct therapies such as radiation or chemotherapy might be necessary either before or after surgical removal.
  • Lifestyle and Dietary Changes: For conditions like gout, modifications in diet and alcohol consumption can play a significant role in managing and preventing flare-ups.

As with any medical condition, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, ideally a podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon, to obtain an accurate diagnosis and tailor treatment to the individual’s needs.